Valuing the Environment: Methods
October 21, 2024
Each of these methods relies on different data and, many times, different experts.
Rarely is the available time or money sufficient to apply all methods to a particular question.
Study Purpose: The Canadian government commissioned a study in 2011 to estimate the socio-economic value of polar bears, partially to assess the impact of listing them as an at-risk species.
Comprehensive Valuation: The study captured both active use values (hunting, viewing, research) and passive-use values (existence and bequest).
All else being equal, police officers receive an extra pay of $700 per year. If the excess risk of death for a police officer is 1/10,000 per year, how do you calculate the VSL based on this information?
Determine Total Extra Pay:
Each police officer receives an extra $700 per year.
Excess Risk of Death:
The excess risk of death is 1/10,000 per year.
Calculate VSL:
\text{VSL} = \frac{\text{Extra Pay}}{\text{Excess Risk of Death}} = \frac{\text{\$}700}{\frac{1}{10,000}} = \frac{700 \times 10,000}{\frac{1}{10,000}\times 10,000} = \text{\$}7,000,000
\] Result:
The Value of Statistical Life (VSL) is $7,000,000.
A safety measure is introduced in cars that decreases the probability of fatal accidents by 0.001% (or 1 in 100,000). If each individual in a population of 100,000 is willing to pay $100 for this reduction in risk, what is the VSL in this scenario?
Different VSL (in $ million) across government agencies and countries
Estimated U.S. mortality costs at $1.4 trillion in the first half of 2020 using VSL.
Global mortality costs were around $3.5 trillion by early July 2020.
Policy Implications
While this benefit-cost analysis is useful, it requires careful interpretation considering uncertainties in the value of mortality risk reductions and the distribution of impacts across those who are advantaged and disadvantaged.
Vultures are considered a “keystone species” critical to their surrounding habitat because, as highly-efficient scavengers, they play an important sanitation role.
Farmers have long relied on them to remove the rotting bodies of dead livestock.
But vultures in India came close to extinction in the mid-1990s after an anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac) used to treat cattle poisoned and killed the birds.